In February, Flat Rock Geographics attended the 26th Annual Wisconsin Land Information Association (WLIA) Conference in Lake Geneva, WI. This event is the premier GIS conference in Wisconsin, emphasizing local, regional, state and federal trends and applications. This year’s conference theme was “be BOLD – Integrating, Coordinating and Communicating” and Flat Rock certainly made its presence known!
Paul Wickman, Flat Rock CTO was a busy guy that week, giving four different workshops and presentations! His lightning round on mobile field data collection with FulcrumApp and GISRoam was very well received and his co-presentation with Andy Swartz from the City of Sun Prairie (Wisconsin) on their open source web mapping system showed how municipalities can embraced open source solutions without compromising the investment in their existing ESRI systems.
Paul also taught a half-day workshop on GeoServer for commercial-grade open source web GIS. The room was filled to capacity, an indication of the growing interesting in Wisconsin for open source GIS solution. Users learned how to share and edit geospatial data from a wide variety of sources using GeoServer and the Open GeoSuite.
The Flat Rock vendor booth also received a lot of a of attention with the launch of our mapFeeder software service.
2013 Wisconsin Land Information Association Conference