Mobile Apps

Finally, Simple, Fast, Reliable, Web-Based Mobile Data Collection

Goodbye paper! The Holy Grail of mobile data collection is here! There have been devices and specialized software for mobile data collection for some time now. The problem is that these devices are ruggedized and very expensive. The software is painfully slow and complex; until this point you had to be a GIS professional to use it.  Plus, the only way to synchronize the data was by taking it back to your office.

Not anymore! With the advent of smart phones, fast mobile connections and tailored apps, mobile data collection is easier than ever. Now you can use the same device you use for a phone, calendar, contacts to make your life easier to collect field data.

Real-time uploading 

The major advance in mobile apps is not only in the easy to use interface, but the real-time uploading of data via 3G & 4G networks. In the past what would happen if you lost your signal? You are dead in the water, right? No longer! Now we have mobile applications that store the data on the phone if there is no network connectivity. Then, as soon as you have connectivity, the data is uploaded to the server where it is stored safe and sound.

You no longer need ruggedized devices, expensive software and complex update procedure. This extends mobile data capture to anyone regardless of their technical skill level.

Capturing vital data and information that can be customized

Imagine the possibilities of capturing information about what you are doing at a place at any time. Fulcrum forms are also highly customizable and can capture information for a limitless number of tasks. You can use the GPS on your phone to capture your location or upload data points you already have to log information about that location. You can also add the capability to each and every form to capture photos. This is an invaluable asset as many times photos are needed to add clarity to the information captured on your mobile form.

The integration with mapFeeder is critical to your mobile data capture as office staff and log information into MapFeeder which is downloaded to your mobile device making a two-way give and take between field staff and office staff.

Flat Rock has had over 15 years experience capturing field data and knows the difficulty and issues that goes into such a task. You should not have to be a GIS professional to capture data.